In 2018, Ms. Velma Perry and her family sold their property to the Northside Landbank, ensuring the future of the property would be in community control and securing support for Ms. Velma to comfortably remain in this home through her final days. Ms. Velma was a Chapel Hill town treasure and neighborhood leader, and her home, 308 Lindsay, is one of the most historic homes in the neighborhood.
As part of the acquisition agreement, Ms. Velma and her family designated that the primary future use of 308 Lindsay Street be a center that supported elders in Northside to safely and affordably age in their community.
In the next step of carrying forth this vision, the MCJC partnered with UNC’s Division of Health Sciences Community Practice Lab and Dr. Ryan Lavalley’s Community-Level Occupational Therapy Course (OCCT 836) to further explore elder support options for the property. Over the course of Spring Semester 2023, two groups of five occupational therapy graduate students worked with the MCJC and the Aging in Community Team to explore and develop two plans:
- A design proposal for renovations to 308 Lindsay Street focused on universal design, meaningful engagement, and safety for elder neighbors participating in a potential group respite program at the home in the future.
- A strategic plan for developing the programming, staffing, and policies for an elder group respite program at 308 Lindsay.
At the end of Spring Semester 2023, these two plans were presented and turned into the Northside Neighborhood Initiative project team. The team and neighborhood leaders who make up the Northside Compass Group will use the foundational work of these graduate students to move forward the innovative model for eldercare that is rooted in Northside vision, history, and longstanding networks of mutual care.
Join our Instagram BINGO fundraiser to support projects like this!
IG story slide #1
IG story slide #2
BINGO boards (they have varying $ amounts, so pick one that would work best for you):
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How does this work?
- Post the slides introducing the MCJC and the 308 Lindsay Project and a BINGO board to your Instagram story.
- Your friends, family, and other Instagram followers can send you a donation that corresponds to one of the squares. (Use your Venmo account!)
- Once you receive a donation, put the Instagram handle for the person who sent the donation in the square they knocked out, and repost the BINGO board to your story.
- Keep on going until you fill the board or run out of donations.
- Once you’re finished, you can send the donations you’ve received to us at or send us a check payable to: The Marian Cheek Jackson Center, 512 W. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (we will send you a tax-receipt for your records).